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Next Steps
Estate Planning

Next Steps After Losing a Loved One

Losing someone you love is never easy. As you grieve their loss and celebrate their memory, the last thing you want to consider is: what do I do next? Is there anything I am forgetting?

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Taxes remain a certainty amid uncertain times
Estate Planning
Business Law

Taxes remain a certainty amid uncertain times

With the Democrats controlling the White House and Congress, there is a lot of uncertainty, but two things remain certain: death and taxes. This phrase has been a consistent theme throughout the history of our great nation and will continue...

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Reproductive Technology
Estate Planning

Reproductive Technology & Estate Planning

Under most state laws and the Uniform Parentage Act, posthumously birthed children are treated equal with any other biological children. However, advanced reproductive technology such as sperm banking or using frozen eggs/embryos has given way to a new phenomenon: posthumously...

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Estate Planning

Post Election Webinar: Your Estate Plan May Need to Adjust

President-Elect Biden has proposed significant changes to the tax code. These changes may require revisions to your Estate Plan prior to the end of the year. Join us for a webinar that will address how the proposed changes will affect...

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